Community life or Franciscan fraternity is at the heart of the religious life commitment of the Conventual Franciscans. We vow to live together in Franciscan fraternity and care for each other as Franciscan brothers in a way that incarnates the Gospel mandate in John 13:34, "I give you a new commandment: love one another. As I have loved you, so you also should love one another". Our community is centered in Christ, through sharing common prayer and meals.
The rule and life of the Order Friars Minor Conventual is to live in obedience, poverty, and in chastity. Living with other Friars allows us to remain focused on our vows. In the busy world, it allows us to slow down and value communal living as an example of the early disciples. Our relationship with one another leads us to grow closer to God and the community we serve.​

All baptized are called to the virtue of chastity, that is, an appropriate expression of our gift of sexuality per our state in life: whether married, single, or religious life and Holy Orders. Our vow of consecrated chastity as Franciscan Friars directs our energy and focus on the Lord and the people of God we are called to serve. Rather than forming exclusive relationships in our consecrated life we open ourselves to be instruments of God’s love to all.
Our vow of obedience is rooted in our desire and call to God’s will. In living out our vow of obedience, we humbly assent to the fact that no one person has all the answers, and we listen to the collective wisdom of others and our conscience, during our vocation.
Our vow of poverty calls us to focus on the needs of others, especially the poor, rather than materialistic items. The vow of poverty impacts not only those material things we may use in our lives but also any attachment that might result from such use, all for the sake of the kingdom.