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Friars and Community Renew Their Commitment to the Land

To begin the celebration of the Feast of Saint Anthony of Padua on June 19th, the Province of Our Lady of Consolation Conventual Franciscans and the natives of the Tigua tribe a Puebloan Native American tribal entity in the Ysleta section of El Paso, Texas, gathered yesterday morning at "La Salida de San Antonio" at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Ysleta Mission in El Paso, Texas. Bishop Mark Seitz presided Mass and spoke on the Gospel, (Mark 12:1-12, The Parable of the Tenants). He reminded all that we are called to care for the Earth and mentioned that Pope Francis has said to respect the Earth and one another. God is the owner of all land and it is our responsibility to take care of the gift that we are given. Everyone prayed the Our Father in the native language of the Tiguas. After Mass, all were welcome to a walking journey to renew their commitment to care for the land that belongs to God and the people. This celebrate commences the Novena for Saint Anthony of Padua.

"This Earth is yours, Lord, and we belong to you."

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