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Thank You Friar John Bamman!

Friar John is from Sylvania, Ohio a small Midwest town outside of Toledo on the border of Ohio and Michigan. In his free time Friar John enjoys bird watching, playing the guitar, swimming, and hanging out with friends around a campfire telling stories. Come join the campfire camaraderie and he will share a story, or two!

Friar John met the friars on a TEC retreat at the Basilica of Our Lady of Consolation. During his junior year in high school the friars ran a retreat for young men called Teens Encounter Christ, and it was there he met Friar Terry Rasmussen. Friar Terry plays guitar and enjoyed being around the youth with many stories and great songs. This left an impression of a joyful friar, who enjoyed people, and was on fire for Christ. This positive impression never left Friar John until he could not put off the call any longer, so at 34 years old he began his Franciscan discernment. It has been a joy-filled discernment from one day to the other, and each year becomes richer. He has not turned back since he started following St Francis and loves the comradery, fraternity and ministry with the friars.

Franciscan formation opened a unique missionary opportunity in San Jose, Costa Rica where Friar John studied Spanish for a year and attended a Seminary with other Franciscans students from all over Central America. After priestly ordination, Friar John served at a University Franciscan Parish in campus ministry and associate pastor duties in Terre Haute, IN for his first assignment, then moved to the Mother House in southern Indiana where he joined the vocations team. Currently he continues to do vocations ministry for his 6th year and assists as an associate pastor at the National Shrine and Basilica of Our Lady of Consolation in Carey, OH. Come light a candle at the Basilica or take a walking tour, he would love to show you around campus.

Friar John strives to live the Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the footsteps of St. Francis of Assisi. One shining characteristic of the Seraphic Father and the founder of the Franciscans was his zeal and enthusiasm to invest himself 110%. He did this when he confronted his father and set out to pursue a higher calling from God. Discernment requires a full investment of one to give a complete offering, an open willingness to dedicate your life toward a worthy purpose. Francis in his day held back nothing for himself and gave it all to Jesus. Friar John endeavors daily to do the same. Born November 26, 1966 he draws from an eclectic background of previous jobs including tree planter, camp counselor, tour bus driver in Alaska, ski patrol in the Cascade Mountains of Washington State, and Ohio Metropark Interpreter.

The Our Lady of Consolation Province Vocation Office would like to thank Friar John Bamman for his work in the Vocation Office the past six years. We will continue to pray for him in his ministry as Associate Pastor at the National Shrine and Basilica of Our Lady of Consolation in Carey, OH.


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