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Friar Prepares for His Upcoming Deaconate Ordination

On June 25th, Friar Emanuel Vasconcelos and Friar Maximilian Avila will be Ordained as Deacons in Ellicott City, Maryland. Before entering the Franciscan life, Friar Emanuel worked as a Campus Minister in a high school where he met several Conventual Franciscans who would come and assist him in sacramental needs at the school. He truly appreciated how regularly they offered opportunities to pray and receive the sacraments at their basilica in Chicopee, MA. The more he learned about them, he became more intrigued in joining their mission. As this Deaconate Ordination approaches, Friar Emanuel shares that he feels nervous as he will begin the regular practice of preaching. He looks forward to seeing all his family and community at the ceremony. He has learned throughout his seven years with the friars that. “God is always at work, especially in the most difficult and challenging moments. The more I am able to surrender to him and let him do what he wishes to do through me, the happier I will be.” Friar Emanuel looks forward to assisting engaged couples in their preparation for marriage, he shares that those meetings can be graced moments of growth for himself and the couple in preparation. He will continue his studies at The Catholic University of America in Washington, DC and after completion of his degree, he will celebrate his Priest Ordination.

Friar Emanuel encourages those discerning to be, “be surprised by the Holy Spirit! As I look back on my first moments, I'm surprised at how much God was "setting the stage" for me to take the next step. I just needed to say yes!”

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