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Congratulations Friar Maximilian and Friar Emanuel!

On Sunday, June 25, 2017, in the Chapel of the Shrine of St. Anthony (Ellicott City, MD), our province friars celebrated Mass together, including the Rite of Ordination of Deacons with our own Friar Bishop, the Most Rev. Gregory J. Hartmayer, OFM Conv., Bishop of Savannah. The Ordinandi, Friar Moises Maximilian Avila, OFM Conv. (Friar Maximilian) and Friar Emanuel Ventura Vasconcelos, OFM Conv. (Friar Emanuel) enjoyed the company of a multitude of family and friends, as well as there confreres; both Solemnly Professed and in Formation.

The Master of Ceremonies was Friar Brad Milunski, OFM Conv., who also serves our friars as Vicar Provincial, as well as Co-Director of Post Novitiate Formation. We were blessed to have Deacon Curtis Turner, a visiting Deacon from the Archdiocese of Washington and friend of Friar Emanuel, serve the Bishop and Vest Friar Emanuel. Our Lady of the Angels Province friar, Fr. Vincent Gluc, OFM Conv., vested Friar Maximilian after the mothers of our two newest Deacons presented the vestments; Blanca Estela Pacheco (mother of Friar Maximilian) and Maria Celeste Vasconcelos (mother of Friar Emanuel). Even more family members served as lectors and gift bearers, as four of our friars in Formation were on hand as Servers: Friar Emanuel Wenke, OFM Conv., Friar Luis Palacios Rodriguez, OFM Conv., Friar Jim Hoffman, OFM Conv. and soon to be Novice – Rich Rome.

The Rite of Ordination is beautifully moving, as the Candidates are Called, Promise Obedience, Prayerfully Prostrate for the Litany, Receive the Laying on of Hands & Prayer of Ordination, are Vested with the Deacon’s Stole & Dalmatic, are Handed the Book of the Gospels and Share Fraternal Peace, joining with those present in the Profession of Faith.

Please keep Friar Deacon Maximilian and Friar Deacon Emanuel in your prayers as they continue to serve the people of God in Sacred Orders. The summer assignment for Friar Maximilian will take him to Brooklyn, NY where he will be serving as Deacon at our pastoral ministry at the Roman Catholic Church of Most Holy Trinity – St Mary. The summer assignment for Friar Emanuel will take him to Port St. Lucie, FL where he will serve as Deacon at our pastoral Ministry at St. Lucie Catholic Church. Pax et Bonum!

Photo Cred: Our Lady of the Angels Province friar, Fr. Tom Lavin, OFM Conv.

More picture are available on their Facebook Page: OLA Province Facebook

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