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Friars Profess Temporary Vows

We are filled with joy for our three brothers, Friar Antonio, Friar Raad and Friar Joseph whom professed their temporary vows of Poverty, Chastity and Obedience for a period of three years at the Jubilarian Mass Celebration at the Shrine of St. Anthony in Ellicott City, Maryland.  These three friars have just finished their Novitate year in Arroyo Grande, California, where they had the opportunity to pray and discern as individuals and as community. During the profession, they received the three knots on their cord, representing their vows. Friar Antonio will continue his formation in San Antonio, Texas and Friar Raad and Friar Joseph will continue their formation at Silver Spring, Maryland. We ask that you continue to pray for these men in formation.

If you are interested in more information regarding, franciscan life or franciscan formation contact one of vocation directors.


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